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💮 Indian Seafarers
⚛️My Ideal Capt. Sanjay Prashar⚛️
✴️️Fαη Of Thε βhαgατ ऽiηgh✴️
🔫 Target Will Be The Same Eliminate The Agents (लक्ष्य एक ही रहेगा एजेंटों को खत्म कर दो)
👮भारतीय नाविक 👷
⚓ I Will Always Stand With Sailors ⚓
If you have any kind of problem with Merchant Navy, then you can message directly from me on whatsapp, I can help all of you seafarers at all times, I am ready to help you from placement to documents.👉NO SERVICE CHARGE, No Agent 👈 I will always walk side by side with Indian sailor.👮,👷
You own skills at Sea, Competency at work place and get best friends for all your life On Merchant ships.🌍
A sailor is a person who works aboard a watercraft as part of its crew, and may work in any one of a number of different fields that are related to the operation and maintenance of a ship.⚓
Just as Indian navy protects India,Indian merchants navy serve India.
Jai Javan 🔭
Jai Kisan 👳
Jai Navik ⚓️
Jai Hind 🇮🇳
🛠 सागर कि लहरों में अठखेलियाँ करते हुए जहाजों पे दिन रात संघर्ष करने वाले नाविकों का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा हू।
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⚛️ Facebook Page (Indian Sailor) - https://www.facebook.com/Indian-Sailor-249374865783904/
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⚛ Website ️- https://sailorbhomaram.weebly.com/
☣️ Email- sailorsbhomar@gmail.com
☣️ WhatsApp,Zalo - +918963057995
✏️ Jai Navik
✏️ Jai Hind